InDihyph Server

Enterprise hyphenation for Adobe InDesign Server

Hyphenation for Adobe InDesign Server™ beginning with version CS6

InDihyph Server Silbentrennung

InDihyph Server set new standards as enterprise hyphenator.

Finally, editorial systems, catalog systems, and Web2print system solutions can also profit from the quality of the leading InDihyph hyphenation. Here, InDihyph Server was extremely optimized for Adobe InDesign Server. InDihyph Server is up to all current and future needs due to the extreme speed and one of the highest hyphenation qualities ever.

Easy integration into the InDesign Server

InDihyph Server can be easily integrated into the Adobe InDesign Server solution. A Server script takes charge of control over the product. Several instances of InDihyph Server can be executed simultaneously and InDihyph is able to hyphenate up to 40 languages at the same time. InDihyph Server integrates its own paragraph composer as the only hyphenation for Adobe InDesign Server beginning with version CS6. A paragraph's wrap can now be specifically adjusted and guided based on hyphenation qualities via the paragraph composer. This results in a significantly improved print.

Available languages

Afrikaans, American English, Bahasa (Malay, Indonesian), Basque, British, English, Bulgarian, Collins English, Danish, German (old spelling rules), German (new spelling rules), Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Dutch, Indian Devanagari, Icelandic, Italian, Catalan, Kiswahili, Croatian, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, New Greenlandic, Bokmal Norwegian, Nynorsk Norwegian, Polish, European Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Latin/Cyrillic Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish, Philippine Tagalog, Czech, Ukrainian, and Hungarian

System prerequisites

Adobe InDesign Server beginning with version CS6
Internet access or email account for product activation
Mac OS X beginning with version 10.14 or 64-bit Windows operating system


  • Extremely optimized for Adobe InDesign Server
  • Hyphenation qualities
  • Private paragraph composer
  • Integration in paragraph formats
  • Private hyphenation rules
  • Full support of user dictionaries
  • Available in over 40 languages
  • Dieckmann hyphenation algorithms