Increase your productivity using our language products!

Specially developed for Adobe InDesign™, Adobe InCopy™, and Adobe InDesign Server™.

  • service

    More than 30 different languages available

    Our products are available in more than 30 different languages. Among them are also languages that neither InDesign nor InCopy support themselves.
    For example, InDihyph hyphenation can deal simultaneously with over 40 languages depending on the number of licensed language packages.

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    Unique features

    Only InDihyph distinguishes five hyphenation quality levels. Only with InDihyph can you use "wild card characters" to prevent the starts and ends of words from being hyphenated. Only InDihyph PRO can assign individual hyphenation quality levels to each paragraph and paragraph format. Only InDihyph can define complex hyphenation rules.

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    In action worldwide

    Our products have existed since Adobe InDesign CS2 and are available in the current Adobe version of InDesign, InCopy, and InDesign Server. You get professional extensions for daily use through worldwide use and long-term testing. All products are optimized for speed and are thus the first choice for use in daily newspapers, catalog production, and so forth! We'll gladly cite references for you from corporate customers with whom our products come into daily use.

  • Current news

    Our InDihyph hyphenation and InDitect spell checker are now available for the latest Adobe InDesign/InCopy 2025 products. With the new engine 6.0, the spell checker is even better able to recognize German word combinations. The language pack for the spell checker has also been expanded and is now version 5.0.

    New language package updates are available for the InDihyph hyphenation, InDihyph server version and the InDitect spell checker. New words and new hyphenation rules have been added.

    The InDihyph hyphenation has been updated for the desktop and server version. The exchange of hyphenation qualities between Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy has been improved. This means that there are no longer different hyphenation points in the layout.

    InDihyph hyphenation has been updated to version 4.13 for the desktop and server versions. This means that customers have the latest rules at their disposal.

    The new update of the InDitect spell checker fixes a bug that caused rare text passages to loop endlessly in InDesign. The update also includes a new language pack in version 4.13. The installation of the update is highly recommended!

    The InDihyph hyphenation for Adobe InDesign Server 2024 (version 19.2) has been released. This means that InDihyph Server is available for all Adobe InDesign Server versions.

    Our product InDihyph Hyphenation has been improved for the Dutch language and has now got the engine version 5.35. The current InDihyph language package is version 4.12. The new version is recommended for all customers using Dutch. The same applies to the InDihyph Server version.

    Our products InDihyph hyphenation and InDitect spell checker are now released in version 2024 for Adobe InDesign and InCopy version 19. In addition, the spell checker and hyphenation rules have been improved. The current hyphenation language package has the version number 4.11 and the spell check language package has been given the version number 4.12. The same applies to the InDihyph Server version.

    The new InDitect spell checker has received the language package 4.11 as well as the engine 5.20. Several bugs have been fixed, and the recognition of compound words and numbers in word form were improved again. For InDihyph hyphenation, hyphenation rules have been updated in the language packs for the desktop and server versions. The language pack has been given the version number 4.10.

    The latest InDitect spell checker has received the language package 4.10 as well as the engine 5.10. The recognition of compound words and numbers in word form has been improved in the German Reform 2006 spelling.

    We are discontinuing support for the CC2015, CC2017 and CC2018 versions. These versions can only be delivered on demand. Still supported are the versions CS5.5, CS6, CC2019 and all following versions.

    The language packs of our products have been updated with the latest hyphenation rules and dictionaries. The version number of the language packs is 4.07. The InDitect spell checker has received new algorithms for the detection of co-occurring words. Minor bugs were fixed. The engine of the spell checker has now the version number 5.0.

    The language packs of our products have been updated with the latest hyphenation rules and dictionaries. The version number of the language packs is 4.06. Hyphenation has been adapted for English languages, so now words with apostrophe can be used as hyphenation rules.